Jefferson Performing Arts Society

Jefferson Performing Arts Society

Employment Opportunities

Jefferson Performing Arts Society is committed to fostering inclusivity within our organization and in our productions, accurately reflecting the wonderful diversity of the communities we serve. JPAS encourages artists of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages to attend auditions and to apply for open positions.

Dennis G. Assaf, Co-Founder & Artistic Director

Staff Positions

There are currently no open full-time staff positions. Job searches will be posted via our website, social media, and email lists.

Job postings are also listed on major employment websites and


JPAS will hold open auditions for our 46th Season Musical Productions May 27–June 3.

Auditions for the non-musical productions will be held at a later date, TBA.

Production Teams

JPAS seeks resumes for all positions in the theatre including but not limited to: Stage Directors, Choreographers, Stage Managers, Scenic Designers and Sound Board Operators, Lighting Designers and Light Board Operators, Costumes Designers and Stitchers, Scenic and Prop Designers and Builders, Backstage crews etc.
Please email resume to Dennis G. Assaf, Founder/Artistic Director at